Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We are very much looking forward to seeing some of our family and friends today and eating some of Mr. Rob's she-crab soup. We are looking at possibly going home Monday. We are very thankful today for that and for all of the love and support we have gotten. We have gotten letters from people we didn't even know. Mail and gifts from so many people. Letters and a bracelet from a kid he didn't even know. It's been an amazing help in keeping our spirits high. Carter is feeling great! Eating baby bell cheeses and drinking lots of Gatorade. He's unhooked from his IV a lot during the day since he's primarily using it for fluids. Carter will have a pretty extensive home care plan! We will have to stay pretty isolated except for visitors and trips outside with a mask. I'll have to give him his meds three times a day and also care for his broviac lines by flushing them etc. Good thing Derrick and I have been doing some work in Carter's room, making it more fun. He's gotten really big into doing Legos. Thanks to everyone who gave him a kit. When we get home I plan on displaying them on shelves! He's also taken a liking to reading minecraft books and making things out of them. Right now he and his dad are building a Pagoda. Hope you all enjoy your family and be thankful today for what you've been blessed with!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Day 17
Today's ANC: 6,000! But, like the doctor says, they are baby cells. His immune system still has to be protected. She said she very rarely let's a patient go before day 30 unless they are doing over the top awesome. Carter is doing really well but still has to get back to eating and drinking. We've been exercising by walking the halls and watching movies. Right now he is watching Remember the Titans.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Day 15
Wow! Time is flying along. Carter's ANC is up to 2030. The doc says that shows engraftment. They sent off some blood today to see whose cells are in there. Carter or the donor cells. I think the goal is to have all donor. Should get those results soon. He's feeling well. Other than a few things here and there. Overall he is doing much better now that his mouth and throat sores are healing and now that he can go play in the playroom. We were told we might get to go home around or before day 30. Thank you to everyone who has sent gifts and cards and came by to visit. You have helped our stay be much much more positive! And we loooove you for it!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Day 11
Today was a great day. Carter's ANC is up to 200. His immune system is growing! Once he gets to 500 he gets to go to the playroom and once he gets to around 2,000 we get to go home! He also had a few things to drink today and ate a few nibbles of food. His throat is starting to feel better. We got some awesome packages in the mail today. Some sweet cards, a Sebastian stuffed animal (immediately was snuggled), tee shirts, activity books and more fabulous Hurricanes stuff. Thanks to everyone who sent us something and to everyone who continues to visit and pray for Carter. His doctor said she was "thrilled" with his progress.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Day 9
So it's day 9! I left this morning at 5 to go run a 1/2 marathon. I wanted to do it to show Carter that you can push past limits and through pain. With a little willpower and fight you can do anything. I'm going to give him my medal I got for finishing. .when he wakes up. It's 1:30 P.M. He is really feeling crappy. His hair started coming out in little patches. I wish it wouldn't do that. I wish it would just fall out at once. He says he's OK with it. But I can tell it's all beginning to wear on him a little. Not eating and drinking. Not leaving the hospital. Hoping to get him up and go for a walk around the halls or something to brighten his spirits up. We were told the mouth sores won't begin to heal until his white blood cell counts go up. So. Until then we are hanging in there!
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
We love our visitors but we ask that you call or email before coming so we can make sure it's a good day to see carter! Also you have to be feeling 100% healthy, no sniffles or anything. :) !
Day 6
We went through a few good days with no symptoms. Then he started getting some of the mouth sores and a sore throat we were expecting. He's dealing ok, but I can tell it really hurts him. He hasn't been eating or drinking, which I don't like. But he's getting what he needs through his IV. He's done three days of school so far! He wanted to do it even though he felt yucky. So now we are just waiting for his mouth to feel better. Not much else to report. Everything is looking good and according to schedule.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Day 2
Carter is doing well. Last night his friend came to visit and his dad brought their projector. It fit perfectly on our wall and we watched Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles. Carter had SO much fun. He was dancing and being silly. It was like we weren't even in the hospital. He's been cruising these past two days. Nights are a little rough. We are so blessed by our friends and family. Nothing makes Carter and I happier than the visits from our loved ones! He's also been enjoying flying his air hog and drone toys around the room. I'm pretty sure they are outside toys but hearing him crack up watching the helicopter crash around his hospital room is music to my ears. I would like to take a minute to say that I love Lindy Sparby and the University of Miami. It's not just fandom anymore. I love them because they continue to pour out love and support on my teeny love! Also all the Miami fans and just genuine nice people who have commented and sent prayers! We were told we probably won't see any sign of engraftment until day 20+. That will be awesome to see Carter's body rebuilding! This morning was so beautiful as I left the house and it made me remember friends and Carter playing YMCA sports on Saturday mornings. Little blessings. Can't wait to get back to that!
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Day 0!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Day -2
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Carter is up and down with how he feels. One minute he's up throwing his football, the next he's feeling sick to his stomach. Thank God today is his last day of chemo. It will still be in there making him sick but at least no more is going in. He asked about it last night. Why are they giving me medicine that makes me sick? So hard for a kid to understand you have to go through the pain to get the gain. But I heard him telling himself, "You got this Carter" softly under his breath. And he does. We got some special mail from Miami yesterday and Derrick read him each one. He loved it. Thanks to everyone who's encouraged our family and my boy through this. Please keep it coming!